How to access my professional email account (Zoho) ?

This support article is only for users that have a premium project with Vasilis Skarleas or they have selected custom email service as their emails option.

If your email provider is based on Zoho and set up from Vasilis Skarleas, you are on the right place.

In order tp access your email address, there are two options:

You will receive an email from the head of technology office that will include the password to access your account. Please refer to this article for how much time can take to receive this email.


  1. Access the page

  2. For username provide the email address that you received by email

  3. Use the password that it's included in the same email (if you haven't recieved this email, please reach out to us at [email protected])

  4. You are free to change the password if you want to

  5. Start using your professional email

You are free to install the desktop as well if you find it convenient. Find the available versions and platforms at

Mobile App

  1. Install the apporpiate app for your device from

  2. Once the Zoho Mail app is installed, select Login

  3. Use the password that it's included in the same email (if you haven't recieved this email, please reach out to us at [email protected])

  4. For username provide the email address that you received by email

Last updated